Testiranja - Arhiva

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Moderatori/ce: F1NAC,Zweki,Scuderia,Cuky,47,gringo73

Postovi: 14079
Pridružen/a: 12 tra 2010, 12:21
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la F1NAC »

cuj rekli su da ce u bahrainu bit totalka drukciji od prezenitiranja i testiranja bumo vidli :) samo neka oni rasturaju i ja sretan :D
HNL kladionica majstor
HNL kladionica majstor
Postovi: 2096
Pridružen/a: 06 srp 2008, 23:09
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Kimi i Frijns
Lokacija: Rijeka

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la K1M1 »

prvi dan testiranja gotov:
majstor iz maranella
Profesionalni vozač
Profesionalni vozač
Postovi: 1237
Pridružen/a: 22 kol 2005, 19:58
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Ferrari i Schumachera

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la majstor iz maranella »

kao što rekoh dosadna sezona, s dominacijom force indije i tu i tamo uključenjem u borbu red bull, ne isplati se gledat :P
Postovi: 2927
Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2007, 22:28
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Schumachera

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Igor18 »

majstor iz maranella je napisao/la:kao što rekoh dosadna sezona, s dominacijom force indije i tu i tamo uključenjem u borbu red bull, ne isplati se gledat :P
Da :D

Al FI vozi sa prošlogodišnjim bolidom (mislim) i trba vidjet kakav će biti novi bolid :D Možda još brži haha
Michael is faster than you!!
Profesionalni vozač
Profesionalni vozač
Postovi: 919
Pridružen/a: 20 tra 2010, 20:20
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari - F1
Lokacija: Maranello

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Forza »

King iCool
Postovi: 3096
Pridružen/a: 07 svi 2008, 14:07
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: McLaren
Lokacija: Planet Zemlja

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la King iCool »

Vremena sa 1. dana testiranja u Valenciji 2010.

1. Felipe Massa (Ferrari) 1:12.574
2. De La Rosa (Sauber) 1:12.784
3. Schumacher (Mercedes) 1:12.947
4. Rosberg (Mercedes) 1:13.543
5. Paffett (McLaren Mercedes) 1:13.846
6. Barrichello (Williams) 1:14.449
7. Buemi (Toro Rosso) 1:14.762
8. Kubica (Renault) 1:15.000
Profesionalni vozač
Profesionalni vozač
Postovi: 919
Pridružen/a: 20 tra 2010, 20:20
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari - F1
Lokacija: Maranello

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Forza »

Valencia #F1 testing day 2: A great day expected with plenty of sunshine, hardly a cloud in the sky, light breeze & a top temperature of 15°C and tomorrow's test forecast is equally as good. Dry all the way now with plenty of good, sunny weather and decent temps.
http://ticker.auto-motor-und-sport.de/ Evo konačno live testiranja na njemačkom... barem razumijem :D

» Aktualisieren «
Aktuelle ZeitenFahrer Rennstall Zeit
1. Alguersuari Toro Rosso 1:17.123m
2. Karthikeyan Hispania 1:18.974m

09:32 Nach einer guten halben Stunde ist immer noch nichts zu sehen von Mercedes. Kein gutes Zeichen. Auch Alguersuari und Karthikeyan sind wieder an der Box.

09:30 Perez und Alonso sind wieder an der Box, ohne sich eine Zeit notieren zu lassen. Währenddessen nähert sich Alguersuari immer weiter der 1:17er Marke.

09:28 Es wird wieder lauter. Neben Karthikeyan und Alguersuari kommen auch Perez und Alonso auf die Strecke. Die Zeiten verbessern sich langsam.

09:26 Auch Alguersuari ist wieder auf der Strecke und dreht fleißig seine Runden. Die erste Zeit des Spaniers: 1:19.495 Min.

09:24 In 1:18.974 Min. legt der Hispania-Pilot die erste komplette Runde des Tages zurück und platziert sich damit ganz oben in der Zeitentabelle.

09:22 Narain Karthikeyan ist mit seinem HRT wieder auf der Strecke.

09:20 Wir werden Sie natürlich auch heute wieder mit den besten Bildern des Testtags versorgen. Wenn Sie sich noch einmal Fotos vom Auftakt am Dienstag anschauen wollen, klicken Sie sich einfach durch unsere große Galerie.

09:17 Beide Autos kehren an die Box zurück. Noch immer können wir keine Zeit für eine komplette fliegende Runde vermelden. Die schnellste Runde zurück in die Box hat Robert Kubica gedreht: 1:16.238 Min.

09:14 Hamilton geht auf die Bahn, während Di Resta schon seinen zweiten Run beginnt.

09:12 Nachdem Kubica und Barrichello wieder heil in ihrer Garage angekommen sind, ist es wieder still geworden. Drei Autos haben sich heute morgen noch nicht gezeigt: Mercedes, McLaren und Red Bull.

09:10 Die Asphalttemperatur ist in der letzten halben Stunde leicht auf 8°C geklettert. Die Lufttemperatur liegt immer noch bei frostigen 5°C. Die Teammitglieder an der Boxenmauer haben die Winterjacken noch nicht abgelegt.

09:08 Auch Robert Kubica (Renault) und Rubens Barrichello (Williams) verlassen die Box für den ersten Probelauf.

09:06 Das erste Strohfeuer ist beendet. Alle sieben Autos kommen nach einem kurzen Funktionstest wieder an die Box. Eine komplette fliegende Runde kann noch keiner vorweisen.

09:04 Es wird laut über dem Circuit Ricardo Tormo. Auch Timo Glock und Fernando Alonso beginnen ihre erste Installationsrunde.

09:02 Auch Karthikeyan (HRT), Perez (Sauber) und Di Resta (Force India) machen sich auf den Weg.

09:01 Die ersten beiden Piloten auf der Strecke sind Jaime Alguersuari im Toro Rosso und Heikki Kovalainen im neuen Lotus.

09:00 Die Boxenampel steht auf Grün. Die ersten Motoren werden angelassen.

08:58 Neben Rosberg ist heute auch noch ein zweiter Deutscher auf der Strecke im Einsatz. Timo Glock wird im alten Virgin Platz nehmen. In zwei Minuten geht es los.

08:55 Bei Williams sind beide Stammpiloten im Einsatz. Am Morgen fährt Rubens Barrichello, am Nachmittag darf erstmals der venezuelanische Rookie Pastor Maldonado ins Cockpit des neuen Williams.

08:52 Renault schickt heute erstmals Robert Kubica ins Rennen. Man darf gespannt sein, ob der Pole mehr Glück hat als Vitaly Petrov. Der Russe musste am Dienstag über weite Strecken zuschauen. Probleme mit den Bremsen und dem Auspuff zwangen Petrov zum Nichtstun.

08:48 Bei McLaren greift erstmals das Stammpersonal ins Lenkrad. Nach dem Auftritt von Gary Paffett am Dienstag darf nun Lewis Hamilton die neuen Pirelli-Reifen testen. Das Auto ist immer noch das gleich wie im Vorjahr. Der Neuwagen wird erst am Freitag in Berlin vorgestellt.

08:45 Bei Ferrari ist noch einmal Alonso dran. Der neue F150 lief gestern zuverlässig. Die Zeiten konnten allerdings noch nicht überzeugen. Knapp acht Zehntel fehlten auf die Bestzeit von Vettel.

08:42 Mercedes konnte nicht mit dem Start in die Testsaison zufrieden sein. Ross Brawn war nach eigener Aussage frustriert, nachdem der neue Silberpfeil mit Hydraulik-Problemen fast den ganzen Tag in der Garage stand. Heute will Nico Rosberg mehr als nur acht Runden fahren.

08:39 Bei Red Bull macht erneut Sebastian Vettel den Anfang. Der Weltmeister konnte mit seinem Testauftakt am Mittwoch zufrieden sein. Der neue RB7 zeigte sich von Beginn an schnell und zuverlässig. Am Mittag muss Vettel seinen Dienstwagen an Teamkollege Mark Webber abgeben. Der Australier darf den Valencia-Test am Donnerstag auch abschließen.

08:36 Heute werden wir zum ersten Mal alle zwölf Teams im Einsatz sehen. Auch Lotus will mit dem neuen T128 die ersten Runden drehen. Gestern hatten die Briten noch ausgesetzt.

08:33 Die Bedingungen auf dem Circuit Ricardo Tormo haben sich über Nacht nicht groß verändert. Wegen des früheren Beginns ist es zum Start der Session am Mittwoch sogar noch kälter als am Vortag. Aktuell zeigt das Thermometer frostige 3° C.

08:30 Guten Morgen liebe Formel 1-Fans. Wir begrüßen Sie zum Formel 1-Ticker von auto motor und sport. Auch heute erwarten wir wieder jede Menge Test-Action auf der Rennstrecke in Valencia.
Postovi: 4903
Pridružen/a: 21 vel 2007, 09:21

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la dmarijon »

Uvijek svi iznova naglašavaju kako treba zanemariti rezultate testiranja, kako voze s ovim ili onim specifikacijama...
A ja se uvijek sjetim 2009. kad je Brawn gazio na testovima, pa smo svi isto tako pričali.
Samo neka se trkaju.
Postovi: 3300
Pridružen/a: 27 ruj 2008, 00:30
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Ferrari
Lokacija: Tešanj

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Ferrari-BiH »

dmarijon je napisao/la:Uvijek svi iznova naglašavaju kako treba zanemariti rezultate testiranja, kako voze s ovim ili onim specifikacijama...
A ja se uvijek sjetim 2009. kad je Brawn gazio na testovima, pa smo svi isto tako pričali.
To je jedan od primjera, ali recimo prosle godine RBR nije bio toliko dominantan na testiranjima, a vidjeli smo svi kakav stroj su imali.
¡oʞɐdoɐu ǝɾ ǝʌs ˙oןıq ǝɾ oʇs oɐʞ ǝɾıu ǝsıʌ ɐʇsıu
Profesionalni vozač
Profesionalni vozač
Postovi: 919
Pridružen/a: 20 tra 2010, 20:20
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari - F1
Lokacija: Maranello

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Forza »

Formula 1 test in F1-Live-Ticker

Aktuelle ZeitenFahrer Rennstall Zeit
1. Vettel Red Bull 1:13.614m
2. Di Resta Force India 1:14.199m
3. Hamilton McLaren 1:14.701m
4. Kubica Renault 1:15.361m
5. Rosberg Mercedes 1:15.925m
6. Alguersuari Toro Rosso 1:16.474m
7. Perez Sauber 1:17.019m
8. Barrichello Williams 1:18.565m
9. Karthikeyan Hispania 1:18.974m
10. Glock Virgin 1:19.533m
11. Alonso Ferrari 1:24.706m
Shortly before 11:50 noon it is quiet again. All cars are on the box. With 38 laps Alguersuari is still the clear kilometer king.

11:46 Once again pushes the DTM Champion in 2010 his best time. However, the old Force India is still on the road with a double diffuser. The significance of the term is therefore zero.

11:43 Di Resta is the old Force India mächig gas. With 1:14.221 minutes turned the Scot's second fastest lap. Also in the morning seems to have had no major defect to have been affected.

11:40 While improving Hamilton returned to the pits is not new, Paul di Resta is back on the slopes. At Williams, we can give all-clear. Barrichello has now been completed four rounds without problems.

11:36 Rubens Barrichello is finally back. The Williams is repaired. Hamilton is already on the road for several minutes. The McLaren driver turns a long run.

11:33 Nico Rosberg, meanwhile, are on the gas. The Mercedes driver was able to improve his time by nearly two seconds. With 1:15.925 minutes, the German now ranks fifth.

11:31 Today is also clear why more is not turning laps Lotus. "We are still waiting for parts," said team boss Mike Gascoyne. "We are very happy that we could go on time on the track."

11:28 After Perez has controlled his box back, can also look back to the Mercedes. The silver paint gleams in the midday sun.

11:25 News Alguersuari and Perez are just on the track. The new Lotus is still present it under no time. The Williams and Force India are also still in the box after they were stranded in the morning with a defect on the track.

11:20 Now Kubica has also increased the tempo. The Pole will jump to fourth and then again briefly in the box. In our analysis technique , we have the new Renault just looked at all.

11:17 Mexican Sauber driver is finally up to speed. With 1:17.785 he pushes himself to seventh. Kubica currently rides a half seconds slower than his personal best.

11:15 After three rounds at half throttle Ferrari is back in the garage. Kubica is now next to Sergio Perez on the slopes.

11:11 and are already Alguersuari Rosberg and again in the pits. The action goes further than that: Alonso and Kubica to take the route. The Ferrari is however not at full speed on the road. Alonso has 16 rounds in a best lap of 1:24.706 minutes

Rosberg is still 11:08 Besides Alguersuari on the slopes. The Spaniard has now been turned 28 laps. The competition is maximum at the half.

11:06 The Mercedes can look back on the track. Rosberg improved his time to 1:17.627 minutes

11:05 Hamilton is back in the pits. Previously, he was able to improve his time again by almost three tenths.

11:02 Today is also unknown why the Mercedes used to be to drive has come in little. The team had been found in some parts of heat issues.

10:59 Once again Hamilton can improve his time. With 1:14.981 minutes, he is now behind Vettel in second place.

10:57 After Perez's boxing also bent, the again, Hamilton has the route to yourself. The McLaren driver is using the space and pushes itself from the state ranked third in the standings.

10:54 Kovalainen is back already. But Hamilton has finally left the box. Also, the McLaren is still a game.

10:52 Sergio Perez is also on the move. For the youngster from Mexico it would be particularly important to get the miles.

10:51 The first submission is Heikki Kovalainen back on track. Can the Lotus driver can write down some time this time?

10:49 Today Group are the two cars from the Red Bull back in the pits. Peace now reigns.

10:46 by-Vettel is currently also local hero Alguersuari on the slopes.

10:45 Nico Rosberg is once again after five rounds of the pits turn into. In the ranking of the silver arrow is in fifth place.

10:43 At the head presses Vettel further speed up. Meanwhile, the German has undercut the 1:14 mark it. The competition is 1.7 seconds behind the Red Bull

10:41 Rosberg also appeared at last in the table on time. His first full round of stops with 1:18.145 minutes.

10:40 Sebastian Vettel has increased the pace. In 1:14.296 minutes set the fastest time a clear champion.

10:39 Rosberg makes of it a German hat-trick. We see the Mercedes this time a little longer?

Today 10:38 Sebastian Vettel and Timo Glock are back on the track.

10:37 Even with Rosberg and Hamilton, we may not have time for a flying lap yet reported.

10:36 The Finn returns directly back to the garage. The new Lotus is for the first two rounds went.

10:34 This time is so long to release not wait. The boxes traffic light is already green. Heikki Kovalainen was the first to leave the pits.

10:32 The car is back in the pits. From a distance, no damage was visible.

10:30 The Force India is not in contrast to Williams made piggyback, but on Apschleppseil to the box moved back.

10:28 re-down vehicle is in use. And again the scene of the action is far removed from the box. The pause could therefore again take a few minutes.

10:23 The Force India is in the run-off area of curve 2

10:21 You can read the time to leave. The session is interrupted again. Paul di Resta has not made back to the pits.

10:19 At this point, we want an exclusive story by auto motor und sport point. Ross Brawn Team sells its shares (24.9 percent) of Mercedes.

10:18 In his first attempt Scottish section of the water directly to the top. The new best time is 1:15.314 minutes

10:16 Paul di Resta has his Force India to go in the route. Currently, the Scot the course all to yourself.

10:14 Now the problem seems to be at Williams resolved. At the request of auto motor und sport, the team announced that it has been a electrical damage. A cable had frayed after the heat shield.

A time was 10:11, the Sauber driver can not write. The other cars are all now back in the garage.

10:07 Sergio Perez is also now back on track. The Mexican rookie in the service of cleaning may test the new C31 for the first time.

10:05 After the first short exchange of blows are only Alguersuari and Alonso on the track. At Renault, it seems that the new car not to be trusted completely. As Kubica starts moving his box, he is received by mechanics in rubber gloves and fire extinguishers.

10:03 Kubica breaks through the first 1:17, the sound barrier.

10:02 The name of Timo Glock, Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel first appearances in the time table on.

10:00 Robert Kubica can write down the first time. With 1:18.230 minutes, the pole moves into second place.

9:59 Finally, Rosberg is also reflected on the way into the first installation lap.

09:58 The teams could hardly expect the green light. Alguersuari, Karthikeyan, Perez, Alonso, Kubica, Vettel and Glock left the box.

9:56 After 20 minutes of interruption, the session resumed. The engines roar again.

09:52 There is still everything to red Why is it, can not be recognized.

9:49 a snail's pace piggyback is the truck with the Williams returned to the pits. Equal to the traffic lights would be switched back to green.

09:45 Finally Breakdown consists of moving. When he reached the box, the session will be released.

09:43 The car is at last on the truck bed. From a distance, however, is not to see exactly whether the breakdown service can start driving immediately.

09:40 The recovery of the Williams is slowly progressing. The car must be carefully covered only by a tarp. The freshening wind just does not facilitate the task.

09:38 The Williams as the curve 5, away from the box and is being taken on the hook of towing.

09:36 The session is stopped until the car is recovered.

09:35 Barrichello and Vettel are the route to go. The Williams is not far. After a half rounds off Barrichello has his car.

9:33 Mercedes night once the complete hydraulic system and the transmission changed over. Yesterday, the Silver Arrow without KERS was underway. Also, the movable rear spoiler was not operated to the hydraulic system not to be too demanding.

9:32 After a good half hour is nothing to see still from Mercedes. Not a good sign. Also Alguersuari and Karthikeyan are back in the pits.
King iCool
Postovi: 3096
Pridružen/a: 07 svi 2008, 14:07
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: McLaren
Lokacija: Planet Zemlja

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la King iCool »

Mercedes opet u problemima. Rosberg je stao na stazi.
Test vozač
Test vozač
Postovi: 605
Pridružen/a: 14 lip 2008, 17:25
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Mercedes
Lokacija: Prelog

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Mansell »

Nije tehnicki problem nego su sprobavali kolko dugo moze izdrzat kad je pri kraju s gorivom.
Mercedes-Benz 190E Cup Legends 2012 F1-HR LEAGUE CHAMP
Race of Champions 2014 BSR LEAGUE CHAMP
King iCool
Postovi: 3096
Pridružen/a: 07 svi 2008, 14:07
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: McLaren
Lokacija: Planet Zemlja

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la King iCool »

Mansell je napisao/la:Nije tehnicki problem nego su sprobavali kolko dugo moze izdrzat kad je pri kraju s gorivom.
Dobro za njih. :biggrin:
Postovi: 14079
Pridružen/a: 12 tra 2010, 12:21
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la F1NAC »

15:02 h Actualizamos tiempos:

1. F. Alonso (Ferrari) 1:13.307 - v59
2. S. Vettel (Red Bull) 1:13.614 - v49
3. P. Di Resta (Force India) 1:13.844 - v66
4. R. Kubica (Renault) 1:14.412 - v62
5. L. Hamilton (McLaren) 1:14.701 - v60
6. N. Rosberg (Mercedes GP) 1:15.383 - v45
7. T. Glock (Virgin) 1:15.408 - v34
8. R. Barrichello (Williams) 1:16.023 - v50
9. S. Pérez (Sauber) 1:16.298 - v42
10. J. Alguersuari (Toro Rosso) 1:16.474 - v64
11. N. Karthikeyan (Hispania) 1:17.823 - v50
12. S. Buemi (Toro Rosso) 1:19.459 - v11
13. H. Kovalainen (Lotus) 1:20.649 - v11
majstor iz maranella
Profesionalni vozač
Profesionalni vozač
Postovi: 1237
Pridružen/a: 22 kol 2005, 19:58
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Ferrari i Schumachera

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la majstor iz maranella »

znači force india ide na naslov, a ferrari i rb bi se mogli umješat koji put :P
King iCool
Postovi: 3096
Pridružen/a: 07 svi 2008, 14:07
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: McLaren
Lokacija: Planet Zemlja

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la King iCool »

Btw. šta je sa Webberom? Od podneva u Red Bullu mjenjaju sjedalo....
Postovi: 14079
Pridružen/a: 12 tra 2010, 12:21
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la F1NAC »

rezultati 2. dana

HNL kladionica majstor
HNL kladionica majstor
Postovi: 2096
Pridružen/a: 06 srp 2008, 23:09
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Kimi i Frijns
Lokacija: Rijeka

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la K1M1 »

najveće inenađenje dana deinitivno Karthikeyan u HRT-u, 6. i zaostaje samo sekundu. :shock:
jel se to HRT sprema u borbu za naslov? :lol: :biggrin:
ne stvarno wtf, pa taj bolid je zaostajao 6 sec po krugu prošle godine. :?
Postovi: 14079
Pridružen/a: 12 tra 2010, 12:21
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la F1NAC »

vjerovatno su dio motora mjenjaca i tih stvari povadili van da imaju laksi auto :D
Profesionalni vozač
Profesionalni vozač
Postovi: 919
Pridružen/a: 20 tra 2010, 20:20
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari - F1
Lokacija: Maranello

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Forza »

17:05 So we say goodbye to the Live-Ticker for today. Of course, we also report on Thursday (3.2.) Live again in Valencia. We hope tomorrow, from 8:30 clock, back to welcome at this point.

17:03 sport.de motor and is in the auto racing field throughout the evening with background reports from Valencia on the date to hold. If you do not miss anything Ticker well, you subscribe to our free newsletter .

17:02 Even Alonso (108 laps) and Kubica (104) were 100-lap mark the crack. Mark Webber on the other hand had to be content with 16 rounds.

17:00 No one can threaten the life of Alonso more. The most laps of the day has Di Resta (111) rotated.

1 6:57 Alonso and Rosberg are also gone out once.

16:56 Meanwhile, running the final sprint. Karthikeyan shifts to sixth. Maldonado also improve their times and Webber again.

16:54 The problem at the Toro Rosso but could probably have been more serious than at first sight to be seen. The mechanics are replaced with gas masks in the car. One can therefore suspect a KERS issue. Blown batteries or the like. Buemi himself would not comment.

16:51 The session is released. The first engines roar.

16:49 The Toro Rosso is recovered slowly. As the car has many interesting aerodynamic details, we want them in the break, the best pictures from the STR6 presentation show.

16:48 While the engines rest, Jenson Button basks on the pit wall. The McLaren driver is the first time intervene in the morning.

16:47 For Webber is the stop at the wrong time. He loses even more of the valuable test time.

16:45 It seems as if it were rolled out peacefully. Perhaps Toro Rosso has also conducted a test using the fuel load to see, as long as the fuel. Rosberg so already had provided for a midday break.

The Toro Rosso 16:44 just after the pit entrance on the pit wall. The car is not damaged.

16:42 Buemi is not returned to the box.

16:41 Nix at a sprint. The fourth session will be stopped. The red flags are out.

16:40 It is once again fully on track. Alonso, di Resta, Hamilton, Kubica, Rosberg, Webber Buemi and get ready for the final sprint.

16:38 Even Rosberg is once more gas. Shortly before the end of the session of the Mercedes driver pushes his personal best time on 1:14.645 min

16:37 Buemi could once again improve his time actually. He pushed himself just ahead of team mate Alguersuari, who was sitting in the morning at the wheel.

Nico Rosberg is now 16:36 and went out once more. Di Resta, Buemi and Karthikeyan called the other active pilots.

16:34 Now, Webber is also back in the box. Particularly well his lap times were not.

16:32 As the new silver arrow today was to see so little of their journey, we show here like to take pictures of the presentation .

16:30 Webber now has the track suddenly alone after Kubica, Hamilton and Alonso in the box deflected in succession.

16:28 Webber improved with each round of his time. Currently he is in 1:19.471 minutes, making it faster than Hamilton and Kubica, who are also on the track.

16:26 Now, Webber appeared for the first time on the time table on it. 1:22.559 min is the first value behind his name.

16:24 Rosberg, meanwhile, is back in the box. Alonso still turns his rounds with impressive consistency in the 1:15 he area.

16:22 It happened but still wonder: Mark Webber is on the line and has just 38 minutes to the new Red Bull to make RB7 familiar with.

16:20 Rosberg and Alonso are with 1:15 time he quite fast on the road. By comparison, Kubica is currently at 1:18.4 min

Today 16:18 Rosberg is once again returned to the runway. He shares the route with Karthikeyan, Kubica and Alonso.

16:14 Even at Red Bull we have inquired as to why Mark Webber gets into his car not. According to advisor Helmut Marko, the conversion of the pedals more difficult than expected. Webber comes across to the lever for the brake adjustment. "In hindsight it was a mistake to change during the day," admitted Mark. In the next test, the conversion times are not a problem, however. Then four days are gone, which can be split easily.

16:13 Also of Sauber there are bad news. A problem with the gearbox ensures an early closing time of Sergio Perez after only 50 laps.

16:11 For Lotus is the day however run. The problems with the power steering did not correct. be directed According to technical director Mike Gascoyne has it in the factory in England. He hopes that the new T128 is ready again tomorrow.

16:09 The fastest driver on the track is currently Robert Kubica with constant 1:16 he times.

16:06 And now the Germans are both back in the garage. Only a brief appearance by Glock and Rosberg.

16:04 Kubica is also back after long time on the track. This Glock, Hamilton, Rosberg, Buemi and Maldonado.

16:03 Good news for the Mercedes fans. Nico Rosberg can finally look back. More than two hours, the Mercedes was in the garage.

16:01 In the meantime, Kovalainen was forced out of last place Maldonado.

16:00 An hour before the end of the session once the current overview of the rounds: Di Resta 95 - Alonso 80 - Kubica 75 - Hamilton 72 - Alguersuari 64 - Karthikeyan 62 - Barrichello 50 - 45 Rosberg - Hag 43 - Perez 42 - Glock 34 - Buemi 25 - Kovalainen 15 - Maldonado 10

15:56 Now Maldonado also comes with his Williams once again out of the garage.

15:54 Only one car is still running hard laps: Paul di Resta in the Force India - who else

15:53 Even Alonso is back in the pits. The days of his last stint was not great.

15:52 Hamilton shows that it still goes fast forward. The Englishman improved his time and pushes his way past Kubica. However, the McLaren was just on a short run on the road and is already back in the box.

15:51 With increasing temperatures, the tires actually work better. But as ready for the week only 20 sets, one is almost always on the road with used shoes.

15:49 Once again the view of the thermometer: 17 ° C air temperature and 27 ° C track temperature.

15:46 Hamilton also goes again to the web. Meanwhile, Maldonado used more and more to the Williams. The times improved lap by lap.

15:44 Alonso and di Resta go every 1:18 he turns.

15:43 By the time of 1:24:021 Min brings to Pastor Maldonado for the first time on the timesheet.

15:40 The pleasure for the Spaniard did not last long. Maldonado and di Resta provide for society.

15:38 After the Buemi Toro Rosso has controlled garage, Alonso's Ferrari is the only car on the track.

15:36 Today Pastor Maldonado also had its first performance. The Venezuelan has been replaced with Barrichello and Williams made his first installation lap behind.

15:35 Alonso's times are far from the 1:18,5 min limit removed. Problems on the car but are not apparent from the outside.

15:33 Paul di Resta has finally arrived in the box. The lap counter of the Scotsman is now at 81, so he has again overtaken Kubica.

15:31 and a half hours before the end of the test is still not visible from Mark Webber. As long as the expected conversion of the seat and the pedals at the Red Bull really does not take.

15:30 Alonso is again on track and already beats the first few meters on a higher tempo than the last attempt.

15:27 Only Buemi and di Resta currently on the track. We have in the meantime, our gallery is updated once more.

15:25 Sebastien Buemi is now on the track. His first flying lap was stopped with 1:17.471 minutes.

15:23 Kubica is also back in the garage. With 75 laps in pole now holds the kilometer-time high.

15:20 Alonso is already back in the pits. His lap time of just under two minutes do not bode well.

15:17 At Ferrari is doing what. Alonso goes back out to eat, where Kubica and di Resta still kilometers.

15:15 Narain Karthikeyan can again write down your time improving one. The Indians took 1:17.769 minutes for the 4.005-kilometer circuit in Valencia.

15:13 Kovalainen after two rounds again in the pits. Finally, the Finn complained of problems with power steering.

15:08 Kubica and Hamilton are still en route to their long run. Kovalainen dares to re-start and is also on the route.

15:02 Now Kubica and Hamilton are just on the track. Renault seems to have rooted out the teething problems of the previous day. With 62 laps Kubica at the forefront of distance-based ranking.

During his Toro Rosso 14:57 Buemi after eleven rounds in the box go with, just turn Di Resta, Hamilton and Kubica diligently do their rounds.

14:54 Buemi has now landed in 1:19.459 minutes. Eight rounds of Toro Rosso has already reeled in one piece.

14:52 Vettel is also done with his program. "For a first test, everything went very well," the world champion drew a positive conclusion. Technical problems have existed at the new Red Bull no.

14:50 Nico Hulkenberg had spent the morning at the track, and now makes his way home. "It hurts to watch," said goodbye to the Force India test driver.

14:48 A lap later, even at Buemi 1:20.481 min and no longer in last place.

14:47 begins with 1:22.078 minutes of the Swiss testing program be more comfortable at.

14:45 Now get the German society. Sebastien Buemi finally allowed to intervene in the after Alguersuari before noon in the Toro Rosso cockpit sat.

14:43 Still nothing to see from Mark Webber. Also, the Silver Arrow was to test the fuel that is no longer on the slopes. Currently only Timo Glock in action.

14:40 Update Photo Gallery : 20 new pictures

14:36 With Glock and di Resta are currently only two-year cars on the road.

14:34 Timo Glock is already back on the track and was able to directly drive a personal best. Thus, the Virgin pilot pushes to seventh. Perez also had just been able to fix it.

14:31 Now, while Hamilton also has stopped again, waiting for the debut of Mark Webber. The Red Bull has been a long time can not be seen again.

14:26 Timo Glock is now back in the pits. Hamilton's McLaren on the other hand, runs like clockwork. This can not yet say from Lotus. Kovalainen tried it yet again.

14:21 We the meantime, with Helmut Marko maintained in. What the Red Bull consultant says to the allegations, his team would spend too much money, read here .

14:19 Kubica has shown only briefly on the track. Hamilton currently rides his 1:16 time. Glock 1:18 he turns. Do not break the record in sight.

14:14 Lewis Hamilton has also gone back out again. He shares the route to date with Kubica and Glock.

14:12 That's it then, but even with the lotus show. After his ninth round it goes back to the pits.

14:10 He has made it. With Kovalainen 1:20.649 min first appears in the time table.

14:08 Heikki Kovalainen is currently playing the track went on. Is it this time, a timed lap?

13:59 Now we have figured out what was the problem with Nico Rosberg. Mercedes has conducted a test, at which time the fuel in the tank runs out. The German is being rolled out so easily. The fans of the Silver can rest assured.

13:57 Alonso gets going the same way as the fire department. With 1:13.307 minutes, the Spaniard his own personal best improved by a half-tenth.

13:56 And right action is back on track. Barrichello, Karthikeyan, Perez Alonso were just waiting to be allowed to start again.

After a quarter hour break can start it again 13:54. The pit is back to green lights.

13:51 Meanwhile Silver Arrow, the new entrance to the pit lane off on.

13:49 What is true for Vettel, Barrichello also. The Brazilians are Williams-cockpit is in the afternoon to Pastor Maldonado.

13:47 Slowly driving the truck with the silver arrow in the back towards the pit. Soon it would have to go back further.

13:45 Sebastian Vettel is the way the car got out. He has finished his week of testing it. In the afternoon, Mark Webber's turn, which is also welcome on Thursday.

13:43 Now Mercedes is wrapped in a black cloth and the tow hooks.

13:41 We have a picture of the current day of testing now under the link to the timesheet. So you can easily access it. The images are updated through the day several times.

13:38 The tow truck is on the short straight to the curves down between 9 and 10. However, a guard rail obscured the view of the Mercedes.

13:35 Scarcely one commends the Mercedes, because it is already over. Red flags on the route. It is still not exactly clear where the silver arrow and put what happened.

13:33 Barrichello and Rosberg Perez is on the route to go. With rounds of 1:17.7 minutes, the Mercedes currently the fastest of the three.

13:31 Lotus is still not re-appeared on the track. Although he was able to drive only five laps, Heikki Kovalainen tweeted that he already feels a huge step forward. As Mercedes last year, shows the new T128 a split air box, as big here in the picture is seen.

13:29 After nine laps Alonso is back in the box arrived. In return, the Mercedes shows back in action. In the eyes of Michael Schumacher on the pit wall begins Nico Rosberg the afternoon program.

13:27 AM Sauber had only Aero tests performed on. The entire car was packed with sensors that measured the air currents. KERS has been used only sporadically. On Thursday Sauber will subject the hybrid system of a first hard test of endurance.

13:25 With Alguersuari is still a second Spaniard on the track. Sauber driver Sergio Perez is the third in the league. As the rookie Mexicans also speaks Spanish.

13:22 Alonso's lap times vary greatly. Currently, the Spaniard is at the level of 1:18.9 on the road. This suggests that Ferrari currently trying a few things.

13:19 Barely on the runway, even at the peak time of the classifications. Alonso continues with 1:13.469 minutes ahead of Sebastian Vettel. Fast and yesterday was no go.

13:17 Maybe Fernando Alonso the hearts of Spanish fans warm up a bit. The Ferrari driver goes to the web.

13:16 On the route currently does not have much. Hamilton is only after a round, bent into the box. Di Resta, Barrichello and Karthikeyan, although the move, but go beyond the 1:17 time mark it.

13:13 The only thing missing here in testing, the grid girls. That does not mean you have to do without the girls. In our gallery we have once again the hottest girls of the last Formula 1 season. Just the thing for the cool temperatures.

13:11 The big action is over. The number of cars on the track has been reduced to three: Hamilton, Barrichello and Karthikeyan.

13:09 Meanwhile, back Paul di Resta is bent at the box. Shortly before the Force India driver has even pushed aside by Alonso in second place. The new era of Scots: 1:13.844 min

13:07 Also from Lotus, it is news: the team currently struggling with heat problems. The new T128 blows the exhaust gases for the first time on the diffuser, which has resulted in minor damage. The power steering makes Kovalainen trouble.

13:03 We will be the reason for the unscheduled stop of Paul di Resta in the early morning still owe. The Scot had just turned. At the box had the car will be cleaned only once, because the rookie was in the gravel.

13:01 Only Alonso is roughly on par with the Red Bulls.

13:00 The Silver Arrow driver he currently rides high 1:16 hours. By comparison, Vettel, who is also again for five laps on the track, is in the range of 1:14.7 minutes on the road.

12:59 Nico Rosberg drives apparently a longer stint. Nice to see that the Mercedes is finite. Yesterday, the drivers could not even test the KERS movable rear wing.

12:58 At the end of the standings Narain Karthikeyan has yet found a tenth of that for him, but not earlier also brings.

12:57 Robert Kubica is the first, which once again was able to improve his time. The Pole is currently four tenths faster than the morning.

12:55 Now there is again strong on the route. Eight cars on the track. Since it is easier to enumerate the drivers who are just in the box: Kovalainen, Glock, Perez and Hamilton are still in the lunch break.

12:53 If you have missed yesterday, Tuesday the opening test, you can view the best photos here look once more.

12:50 The sun has asphalt to 22.2 ° C. The heated. 15.1 ° C air temperature most of the team members on the pit wall have now passed the winter jackets.

12:48 For the rest of the route is not even noon. Di Resta, Kubica, Barrichello Alguersuari and collect more diligently kilometers.

12:45 Sebastian Vettel is back from his long run. Although he could not offer his personal best with 35 laps but he has now taken over in the mileage category number two.

12:40 for lunch once the overview of the previously completed lap: Alguersuari 47 - Alonso 34 - Vettel 32 - Rosberg 30 - Kubica 28 - Barrichello 28 - Di Resta 27 - Perez 25 - Hamilton 23 - Karthikeyan 21 - Glock 15 - Kovalainen 5

12:37 Good news for fans of Sebastian Vettel. The Red Bull now seems to run fine. Alonso turns too fast laps in his long run.

12:33 We now have the latest ones from the second day of testing. The breakdown of Barrichello, the first meters of the new Lotus and many technical details, see our big picture .

12:31 Even Ferrari is back alive to. Alonso, along with Vettel, Di Resta, Alguersuari and Barrichello to kilometers hunting.

12:29 Too early happy. Kovalainen goes again after only two orbits in the box. For a time, the fin thus can not produce still.

12:27 News on the trail: The new Lotus restarts. Kovalainen has just taken the fourth round of attack. Also, Barrichello and Vettel are on the road again.

12:25 this morning we had the opportunity to assess more accurately the new FW33 Wiliams and Sam Michael to speak to chief technology officer. The car is in the details interesting as it suggests the first glance. Our technical analysis you read here .

12:22 Rosberg has improved his time to 1:15.383 minutes and goes back to the pits. Now Karthikeyan and Alguersuari guarantee action.

12:19 Nico Rosberg is back on the track. The Mercedes has the runway all to yourself.

12:15 Dietrich Mateschitz is also appeared in the paddock. The Red Bull owner remains to 16.00 clock in order to inquire about the test progress.

12:12 Vettel is back in the pits. So far, the world champion is only 22 laps down. Red Bull tried today a new exhaust that blows into the diffuser. In this case, however, occasionally to heat problems. Yesterday, the exhaust gases were still blown onto the roof diffuser.

12:08 The biggest rush is over. Only Vettel, Kubica and Barrichello are still on the track. Glock was able to improve again slightly before he went into the pits.

12:04 Even with Timo Glock is what finally progressing. But only slowly. With 1:17.384 minutes, he can at least say goodbye to the last place.

12:02 Kubica can personal best by half a second to improve his. Barrichello is also so fast, like all day or not.

12:01 Suddenly there is again much operating on the route. In addition to Alonso and Hamilton now Vettel, Di Resta are, Kubica, Glock and Barrichello in action.

11:57 And, as Alonso, the pace picks up: In his first flying lap the Spaniard goes directly to second. His time was 1:14.111 min

11:55 It's moving again what. Hamilton and Alonso are on the road. Ferrari now increases the pace?

11:52 The teams are making all independent of each other for lunch. Test run in Valencia is not officially suspended.

Shortly before 11:50 noon it is quiet again. All cars are on the box. With 38 laps Alguersuari is still the clear kilometer king.

11:46 Once again pushes the DTM Champion in 2010 his best time. However, the old Force India is still on the road with a double diffuser. The significance of the term is therefore zero.

11:43 Di Resta is the old Force India mächig gas. With 1:14.221 minutes turned the Scot's second fastest lap. Also in the morning seems to have had no major defect to have been affected.

11:40 While improving Hamilton returned to the pits is not new, Paul di Resta is back on the slopes. At Williams, we can give all-clear. Barrichello has now been completed four rounds without problems.

11:36 Rubens Barrichello is finally back. The Williams is repaired. Hamilton is already on the road for several minutes. The McLaren driver turns a long run.

11:33 Nico Rosberg, meanwhile, are on the gas. The Mercedes driver was able to improve his time by nearly two seconds. With 1:15.925 minutes, the German now ranks fifth.

11:31 Today is also clear why more is not turning laps Lotus. "We are still waiting for parts," said team boss Mike Gascoyne. "We are very happy that we could go on time on the track."

11:28 After Perez has controlled his box back, can also look back to the Mercedes. The silver paint gleams in the midday sun.

11:25 News Alguersuari and Perez are just on the track. The new Lotus is still present it under no time. The Williams and Force India are also still in the box after they were stranded in the morning with a defect on the track.

11:20 Now Kubica has also increased the tempo. The Pole will jump to fourth and then again briefly in the box. In our analysis technique , we have the new Renault just looked at all.

11:17 Mexican Sauber driver is finally up to speed. With 1:17.785 he pushes himself to seventh. Kubica currently rides a half seconds slower than his personal best.

11:15 After three rounds at half throttle Ferrari is back in the garage. Kubica is now next to Sergio Perez on the slopes.

11:11 and are already Alguersuari Rosberg and again in the pits. The action goes further than that: Alonso and Kubica to take the route. The Ferrari is however not at full speed on the road. Alonso has 16 rounds in a best lap of 1:24.706 minutes

Rosberg is still 11:08 Besides Alguersuari on the slopes. The Spaniard has now been turned 28 laps. The competition is maximum at the half.

11:06 The Mercedes can look back on the track. Rosberg improved his time to 1:17.627 minutes

11:05 Hamilton is back in the pits. Previously, he was able to improve his time again by almost three tenths.

11:02 Today is also unknown why the Mercedes used to be to drive has come in little. The team had been found in some parts of heat issues.

10:59 Once again Hamilton can improve his time. With 1:14.981 minutes, he is now behind Vettel in second place.

10:57 After Perez's boxing also bent, the again, Hamilton has the route to yourself. The McLaren driver is using the space and pushes itself from the state ranked third in the standings.

10:54 Kovalainen is back already. But Hamilton has finally left the box. Also, the McLaren is still a game.

10:52 Sergio Perez is also on the move. For the youngster from Mexico it would be particularly important to get the miles.

10:51 The first submission is Heikki Kovalainen back on track. Can the Lotus driver can write down some time this time?

10:49 Today Group are the two cars from the Red Bull back in the pits. Peace now reigns.

10:46 by-Vettel is currently also local hero Alguersuari on the slopes.

10:45 Nico Rosberg is once again after five rounds of the pits turn into. In the ranking of the silver arrow is in fifth place.

10:43 At the head presses Vettel further speed up. Meanwhile, the German has undercut the 1:14 mark it. The competition is 1.7 seconds behind the Red Bull

10:41 Rosberg also appeared at last in the table on time. His first full round of stops with 1:18.145 minutes.

10:40 Sebastian Vettel has increased the pace. In 1:14.296 minutes set the fastest time a clear champion.

10:39 Rosberg makes of it a German hat-trick. We see the Mercedes this time a little longer?

Today 10:38 Sebastian Vettel and Timo Glock are back on the track.

10:37 Even with Rosberg and Hamilton, we may not have time for a flying lap yet reported.

10:36 The Finn returns directly back to the garage. The new Lotus is for the first two rounds went.

10:34 This time is so long to release not wait. The boxes traffic light is already green. Heikki Kovalainen was the first to leave the pits.

10:32 The car is back in the pits. From a distance, no damage was visible.

10:30 The Force India is not in contrast to Williams made piggyback, but on Apschleppseil to the box moved back.

10:28 re-down vehicle is in use. And again the scene of the action is far removed from the box. The pause could therefore again take a few minutes.

10:23 The Force India is in the run-off area of curve 2

10:21 You can read the time to leave. The session is interrupted again. Paul di Resta has not made back to the pits.

10:19 At this point, we want an exclusive story by auto motor und sport point. Ross Brawn Team sells its shares (24.9 percent) of Mercedes.

10:18 In his first attempt Scottish section of the water directly to the top. The new best time is 1:15.314 minutes

10:16 Paul di Resta has his Force India to go in the route. Currently, the Scot the course all to yourself.

10:14 Now the problem seems to be at Williams resolved. At the request of auto motor und sport, the team announced that it has been a electrical damage. A cable had frayed after the heat shield.

A time was 10:11, the Sauber driver can not write. The other cars are all now back in the garage.

10:07 Sergio Perez is also now back on track. The Mexican rookie in the service of cleaning may test the new C31 for the first time.

10:05 After the first short exchange of blows are only Alguersuari and Alonso on the track. At Renault, it seems that the new car not to be trusted completely. As Kubica starts moving his box, he is received by mechanics in rubber gloves and fire extinguishers.

10:03 Kubica breaks through the first 1:17, the sound barrier.

10:02 The name of Timo Glock, Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel first appearances in the time table on.

10:00 Robert Kubica can write down the first time. With 1:18.230 minutes, the pole moves into second place.

9:59 Finally, Rosberg is also reflected on the way into the first installation lap.

09:58 The teams could hardly expect the green light. Alguersuari, Karthikeyan, Perez, Alonso, Kubica, Vettel and Glock left the box.

9:56 After 20 minutes of interruption, the session resumed. The engines roar again.

09:52 There is still everything to red Why is it, can not be recognized.

9:49 a snail's pace piggyback is the truck with the Williams returned to the pits. Equal to the traffic lights would be switched back to green.

09:45 Finally Breakdown consists of moving. When he reached the box, the session will be released.

09:43 The car is at last on the truck bed. From a distance, however, is not to see exactly whether the breakdown service can start driving immediately.

09:40 The recovery of the Williams is slowly progressing. The car must be carefully covered only by a tarp. The freshening wind just does not facilitate the task.

09:38 The Williams as the curve 5, away from the box and is being taken on the hook of towing.

09:36 The session is stopped until the car is recovered.

09:35 Barrichello and Vettel are the route to go. The Williams is not far. After a half rounds off Barrichello has his car.

9:33 Mercedes night once the complete hydraulic system and the transmission changed over. Yesterday, the Silver Arrow without KERS was underway. Also, the movable rear spoiler was not operated to the hydraulic system not to be too demanding.

9:32 After a good half hour is nothing to see still from Mercedes. Not a good sign. Also Alguersuari and Karthikeyan are back in the pits.

09:30 Perez Alonso, while not a time to make a note box again. Meanwhile, the ever-approaching Alguersuari he 1:17 mark.

09:28 It is louder. Besides Karthikeyan and Alguersuari and Perez and Alonso are on the route. The times are improving slowly.

09:26 Even Alguersuari is back on track and turns his busy rounds. The first time the Spaniard: 1:19.495 min

09:24 1:18.974 minutes in sets of Hispania pilot first complete lap of the day back and a position on the top of the timesheet.

09:22 Narain Karthikeyan, with its back on the HRT route.

09:20 We will of course also with the best pictures of the test-day supply today. If you start again on Tuesday will look at the photos, please click through our large gallery .

09:17 Both cars return back to the pits. Still, we can report no time for a full flying lap. The fastest lap down in the box Robert Kubica has shot: 1:16.238 min

09:14 Hamilton is on the track, whereas Di Resta already begins its second run.

09:12 After Kubica and Barrichello in their garage arrived back safe, it's become quiet again. Three cars have shown today not for tomorrow: Mercedes, McLaren and Red Bull

09:10 The track temperature is slightly on the last half hour of 8 ° C in climbing. The air temperature is still chilly at 5 ° C. The team members at the pit wall have not yet passed the winter jackets.

09:08 Even Robert Kubica (Renault) and Rubens Barrichello (Williams) left the box for the first test run.

09:06 The first flash in the pan is finished. All seven cars come to a short function test back to the pits. A full flying lap can boast not one yet.

09:04 It is loud at the Circuit Ricardo Tormo. Even Timo Glock and Fernando Alonso begin their first installation lap.

09:02 Even Karthikeyan (HRT), Perez (Sauber) and di Resta (Force India) are on their way.

9:01 The first two pilots on the route are in Alguersuari Jaime Toro Rosso and Heikki Kovalainen in the new Lotus.

09:00 The traffic lights are green boxes. The first engines are started.

08:58 Besides Rosberg is now also a second German on the track in use. Timo Glock will take place in the Old Virgin. In two minutes it goes off.

08:55 At Williams are both race drivers in action. Rubens Barrichello in the morning runs, may in the afternoon for the first time the Venezuelan Pastor Maldonado rookie in the cockpit of the new Williams.

8:52 Renault Robert Kubica posted the first time today in the race. It will be interesting to see whether the pole is more fortunate than Vitaly Petrov. The Russians had to watch on Tuesday over long distances. Problems with the brakes and the exhaust Petrov forced to do nothing.

08:48 At McLaren takes first permanent staff to the steering wheel. After the appearance of Gary Paffett Lewis Hamilton on Tuesday now must test the new Pirelli tires. The car is still the same as last year. The new cars will be introduced first on Friday in Berlin.

08:45 For once Alonso is Ferrari it. The new F150 yesterday ran reliably. The days were, however, not convinced yet. Nearly eight tenths missing the best time of Vettel.

8:42 Mercedes could not start the test with the season being satisfied. Ross Brawn was frustrated in his own words, after the new silver arrow stand with hydraulic problems, most of the day in the garage. Today, Nico Rosberg will drive more than eight rounds.

08:39 At Red Bull again makes Sebastian Vettel the beginning. The world champion was able to start his trial on Wednesday to be satisfied. The new RB7 showed from the start, quickly and reliably. At noon, Vettel has his official car to team mate Mark Webber release. The Australians must complete the Valencia test on Thursday also.

08:36 Today we will for the first time all twelve teams seen in the use. Lotus will also rotate with the new T128, the first rounds. Yesterday, the British were still exposed.

08:33 The conditions at the Circuit Ricardo Tormo night have not changed much. Because of the earlier start is the start of the session on Wednesday even colder than yesterday. Currently, the thermometer shows chilly 3 ° C.

08:30 Good morning love Formula 1 fans. We welcome you to the Formula 1 Scores of auto motor und sport. Today we again expect a lot of test-action on the track in Valencia.
Postovi: 4255
Pridružen/a: 14 ožu 2008, 17:58
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari
Lokacija: vitez

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la vidc »

ma voze s bolidom lakšim od 640 kg,na parama i friškim gumama...trebaju sponzore...a vjerojatno ni ovi vodeći nisu išli 100%
Postovi: 2927
Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2007, 22:28
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Schumachera

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Igor18 »

K1M1 je napisao/la:najveće inenađenje dana deinitivno Karthikeyan u HRT-u, 6. i zaostaje samo sekundu. :shock:
jel se to HRT sprema u borbu za naslov? :lol: :biggrin:
ne stvarno wtf, pa taj bolid je zaostajao 6 sec po krugu prošle godine. :?
to ti govori kolko ostali ne ganjaju vremena nego se baziraju na provjeru raznoraznih sranja :D
no u svakom slučaju dobro za HRT :D
Michael is faster than you!!
Postovi: 16016
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Ferrari
Lokacija: Rab/Rijeka

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Izgleda da su jako radišni u Renaultu, FI i Ferrariju. Preko 100 krugova svaki nije mala stvar...
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 14
Pridružen/a: 04 stu 2008, 10:47
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Alonso-Montoya-Senna

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la gogx »

Pocinju igre :D

http://totalf1.com/full_story/view/3641 ... g_into_it/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Postovi: 3300
Pridružen/a: 27 ruj 2008, 00:30
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Ferrari
Lokacija: Tešanj

Re: Testiranja 2010/2011

Post Postao/la Ferrari-BiH »

Cim je Massa sjeo odmah problemi...naime zapusilo se iz Ferrarija
¡oʞɐdoɐu ǝɾ ǝʌs ˙oןıq ǝɾ oʇs oɐʞ ǝɾıu ǝsıʌ ɐʇsıu