Formula 1 team - MoneyGram Haas F1 Team [TBA]

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Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Formula 1 team - MoneyGram Haas F1 Team [TBA]

Post Postao/la Cuky »




Puni Naziv Momčadi: Haas F1 Team
Sjedište: Kannapolis, SAD
Šef Momčadi: Guenther Steiner
Tehnički Direktor: Simone Resta
Aktualni Bolid: VF-22
Pogonska Jedinica: Ferrari
Prvi Nastup: 2016
Konstruktorski Naslovi: N/A
Najbolji Rezultat u Utrci: 4 (x1)
Pole Pozicije: N/A
Najbrži Krugovi: 2

Originalni uvodni post:

Kod: Označi sve

Da ne pišemo stalno u novosti...momčad je pokrenuta pa neka ima i svoju temu.

Nastavljaju sa zapošljavanjem ljudi, a i tvornica u kojoj će boraviti F1 momčad je skoro dovršena

[quote][b][size=150]Haas F1 Team appoints marketing chief[/size][/b]

Haas F1 Team has named Adam Jacobs chief marketing officer. Jacobs will lead brand strategy and partnership development for Haas F1 Team, which will make its debut in the FIA Formula 1 World Championship in 2016, becoming the first American-led Formula One team in 30 years.

Jacobs previously worked for Anheuser-Busch where he was the sports marketing manager for the company’s Budweiser brand in NASCAR and the Bud Light brand in the NFL and college sports. In that role, Jacobs oversaw sponsorship programs collectively valued in the billions, which included Budweiser’s sponsorship of Kevin Harvick in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series and the Bud Light Hotel during Super Bowl XLVIII in New York City.

“Adam came highly recommended to Haas F1 Team and he brings a wealth of sports marketing experience to our organization,” said Joe Custer, chief operating officer, Haas F1 Team. “The projects Adam has overseen are global in scope, involving numerous partners and constituencies. He’s built great relationships during his career and we’re proud to have him at Haas F1 Team.”

Prior to his role at Anheuser-Busch, Jacobs joined the NFL’s St. Louis Rams in 2006 as director of marketing before becoming the team’s vice president in 2009. He has also held positions at the Indy Racing League, General Motors R*Works, Washington Mutual Bank and the Miami Fusion of Major League Soccer. Jacobs has been a member of the Sports Business Advisory Board at Saint Louis University since 2008 and has been an adjunct professor of sports business at the school since 2010.

“It’s a great opportunity to develop and launch a global brand in an organization led by someone as driven and accomplished as Gene Haas,” Adam Jacobs said. “With strong support and leadership already in place, Haas F1 Team is clearly positioned for success. I look forward to helping shape the ways we achieve that success on and off the racetrack.”

Jacobs graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1998 and is a member of the university’s Hall of Fame, one of the most prestigious honors awarded to students by the Division of Student Affairs.

Haas F1 Team is currently preparing for its on-track debut in 2016. Haas Automation, Inc., the CNC machine tool builder Haas F1 Team chairman Gene Haas founded in 1983, will serve as the team’s primary sponsor. However, Jacobs is positioning the team to partner with other high-profile brands that desire to reach a global audience.

“One of our key objectives as the only American F1 team is to help grow the sport domestically,” Jacobs said. “With the massive global reach of Formula One, Haas F1 Team is also uniquely positioned to provide a platform for brands seeking to grow their businesses in key markets abroad.”

Meanwhile, Haas motorsports holdings is nearing completion on an 11.600 square-meter (125,000 square-foot) facility adjacent to Haas’ NASCAR team in Kannapolis, North Carolina, that will house the Haas F1 Team. Construction is scheduled to be completed in late November.

In addition to Haas F1 Team, Haas’ motorsports holdings include Stewart-Haas Racing and Windshear.[/quote]

[url=]IZVOR - F1Technical[/url]
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

evo i video gradnje tvornice
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Matt Borland je imenovan podrpedsjednikom za tehnologiju u Haas F1 Timu i Stewart-Haas Racingu ... 4c9a0ea0d3" onclick=";return false;

Inače, jedan stariji članak: Haas posjeduje jedan od najkvalitetnijih zračnih tunela sa pokretnom podlogom u svijetu koji je često bio korišten i od strane F1 momčadi ... ind-tunnel" onclick=";return false;
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Haas je kupio Marussijinu tvornicu koju će koristiti kao svoju europsku bazu. Također, navodno su u paketu sa tvornicom došli i podaci i dizajni koji su se ticali Marussijinog bolida za 2015. ... ia-factory" onclick=";return false;
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 222
Pridružen/a: 31 svi 2010, 21:10
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la ivancina »

ne bi se čudio da uzmu frya, tombazisa i ostale otpadnike
Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Did Ferrari Announce Haas F1′s Driver Lineup?

Let’s assume Gene Haas’s foray into F1, Haas F1, actually makes the grid in 2016. I know, I know, I said let’s assume. As an American, I want an American F1 team to succeed, badly. Unfortunately, I remember US F1 well, very well, all too well. For the moment, however, we’re going to fast-forward to 2016 and declare success.

Many pundits have speculated on the wide range of possible American drivers that might pilot a car for Haas. While it’s fun to elaborate on why Danica Patrick will never, ever, never race in F1, it’s been done. Alexander Rossi is the only viable American candidate for Haas. It’s really that simple.

Or is it? Didn’t see that coming did you? Rossi was a reserve driver for both Caterham and Marussia. He drove in free practices. He did not, however, race in F1. He’s raced and won in GP2. Out of 32 GP2 races he has an impressive, er, single victory. Ok, ok. That’s ok. He was a champion in Formula BMW, uhm, but in 2008. His best championship standing since then was third in Formula Renault 3.5 in 2011. Respectable results, but not exactly blazing a path to future F1 champion.

I know Gene Haas wants an American driver, but does he want a rookie driver that has a, just ok, record to drive for his rookie team at the pinnacle of motorsport? The mighty Ferrari rarely takes inexperienced drivers. You have to go all the way back to Gilles Villenueve (who only had one F1 race with McLaren prior to his Ferrari drive) to find an inexperienced driver take the wheel of a Ferrari. And that’s important, because Haas F1 may be less the all-American dream and more Scuderia Ferrari Team B.

In the world of Ferrari, much has been happening lately (aside from that whole Alonso guy and the firing of half of Maranello). In fact, Ferrari has signed two F1 drivers just recently, Esteban Gutierrez and Jean-Eric Vergne. However, why does Ferrari need either of them? They say it’s because they lost Pedro de la Rosa, their primary test and development driver in the simulator. Yet, Ferrari still employ Marc Gene, Davide Rigon, and a slew of former F1 drivers down in the sportscar ranks. In other words, Ferrari have drivers.

Haas F1 does not. Gene Haas tends to mention his Ferrari connection any time he talks about Haas F1 lately. It’s smart to partner with Ferrari. I can not fault him for his alliance. I also cannot fault Ferrari for swinging their weight in the decision-making at Haas F1. If Haas F1 truly is a Ferrari B-Team, Haas F1 have just announced their 2016 drivers, courtesy of Ferrari, to be Esteban Gutierrez and Jean-Eric Vergne. Otherwise, Ferrari has no need for additional former F1 drivers waiting in line for the simulator.

In America, if you can’t find an American driver, a Mexican one is the next best thing. Gutierrez is an experienced F1 driver from Mexico that brings wads of cash. Haas needs a North American driver and cash. Check. Jean-Eric Vergne is an experienced F1 driver from France with something to prove. Haas needs speedy experience and as for being French, well, it wouldn’t be the first time the French bailed-out Americans.
IZVOR - F1 Update
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 14079
Pridružen/a: 12 tra 2010, 12:21
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la F1NAC »

a nebi cudilo. Makar ja bi mozda stavio Vergnea i Marciella onda ako vec guraju svoje. Gutierrez nije nista posebno pokazao, vise sluzi kao hodajuci snop $$$$$$
Postovi: 4566
Pridružen/a: 18 stu 2012, 14:48
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Lokacija: gdje me sunce grije

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la speedy56 »

Baš mi je Haasova postava prolazila kroz misli danas...
JEV im je idealan, točno ono što treba - ima iskustva uz sve ostale dokazane kvalitete, kraj njega sam očekivao Marciella (uz uvjet da digne formu u Gp2), ali onda je ovo došlo
#CdS "If #Marciello will do well in GP2, from 2016 will replace #Raikkonen at #Ferrari."

Always according to #CdS , #Marciello was to tall (1,86) to fit in 2015 #Ferrari car, just for #Vettel they had to reposition the pedals
Dakle oni bi s njim direkt u Ferrari, de facto je preuzeo mjesto Bianchija
Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Haas opovrgava da je on iza najnovijih špekulacija o kupnji Marussije, ali je potvrdio da namjerava kupiti njihovu tvornicu ... f-marussia" onclick=";return false;
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Rob Taylor, glavni dizajner u Red Bullu prije nego je došao Newey (radio je na RB1 i RB2) pridružio se Haasu i nadgledat će dizajniranje bolida za 2016. na kojem radi Dallara.

Također, Haas je rekao kako još ne zna u kojim će bojama nastupati, ali da mu je jedan od osobnih favorita žuta boja.
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 14079
Pridružen/a: 12 tra 2010, 12:21
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Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la F1NAC »

navodno ce Haasov bolid bit slican ovogodisnjem Ferrariju i također kao sto je gore pisano bit ce razvijan u maranellu u WT
Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Lokacija: Rab/Rijeka

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Haas navodno najkasnije u rujnu želi imati kompletiranu vozačku postavu za slijedeću sezonu, a jedan od jačih kandidata je Esteban Gutierrez ... as-f1-team" onclick=";return false;
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Profesionalni vozač
Profesionalni vozač
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la mrd »

HAAS Showcar

Postovi: 4566
Pridružen/a: 18 stu 2012, 14:48
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Lokacija: gdje me sunce grije

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la speedy56 »

Haarussia MR02
Nekoliko detaljčića je promijenjeno
Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
Ja sam: Vozač
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Lokacija: Rab/Rijeka

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Samo prebojana Marussia MR02 iz 2013 (verzija sa kraja sezone)
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Ferrari
Lokacija: Rab/Rijeka

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Haas je potvrdio da su Hulkenberg, Gutierrez i Vergne među kandidatima za mjesta u njegovoj momčadi slijedeće sezone ... race-seat/
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 4566
Pridružen/a: 18 stu 2012, 14:48
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: FAlonso ALotterer
Lokacija: gdje me sunce grije

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la speedy56 »

Rekli su da imaju 10ak vozača izbora, 3 su Vergne, Hulk i Gutierrez sigurno, sad na prijenosu gp2 treninga komentator govori da je Rossi rekao da je i on u izboru - to su 4 vozača, koji su ovi ostali? Jedino im Marciello pada na pamet, iako mislim da su male šanse
Zadnja izmjena: speedy56, dana/u 21 kol 2015, 13:45, ukupno mijenjano 1 put.
Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
Ja sam: Vozač
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Lokacija: Rab/Rijeka

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

možda neki od vozača iz Indy-ja koji imaju iskustva u F1? Npr. Bourdais ili Sato...također i oni koji nisu vozili u F1, a tamo su, mogli bi možda biti u izboru pošto ima solidnih talenata...Graham Rahal (26 godina), Josef Newgarden (24), Sage Karam (20) i Conor Daly (23) su pokazali se dobrima, prva dva već nekoliko sezona, dok je Karamu i Dalyju ovo prva sezona u Indyju...također, svi su oni amerikanci pa bi i to bilo dobro za marketing kod kuće.
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Svjetski prvak
Svjetski prvak
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la elder »

Ako bude Haas radio bolide kako radi i CNC strojeve onda bolje da se i ne ukljucuju
Darkness rises when silence dies
Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Lokacija: Rab/Rijeka

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

bolid dogodine će biti većim dijelom ovogodišnji Ferrari, kupit će od Ferrarija što god smiju kupiti. PU, mjenjač, spremnik za gorivo, ovjes, volan, a u kompletu bi trebali navodno biti i neki od nacrta za aerodinamičke djelove SF15-T
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 14079
Pridružen/a: 12 tra 2010, 12:21
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Navijam za: Scuderia Ferrari

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la F1NAC »

Navodno ce jedan vozač bit sigurno Ferrarijev rezervni (vjerovatno GUtierrez), a drugi vozač koji ima iskustva
Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
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Navijam za: Ferrari
Lokacija: Rab/Rijeka

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Ferrari reserve driver will get one Haas Formula 1 team seat

Gene Haas says a Ferrari reserve driver will pilot one of his cars when the Formula 1 newcomer makes its debut next season.

Haas has a technical partnership and engine supply deal with Ferrari for 2016, with the team receiving all 'non-listed' parts from Ferrari as well as using the Scuderia's windtunnel.

While Haas would not be drawn on names, the team owner's comments suggest Ferrari reserve Esteban Gutierrez is set to get a seat.

Ferrari's test driver and former Toro Rosso racer Jean-Eric Vergne is also in contention.

"Hopefully in the next couple of weeks, we'll have something to say," Haas told AUTOSPORT.

"One of the drivers will be a Ferrari reserve driver and we're still looking for an experienced Formula 1 driver, a current driver. No rookies."

Team principal Gunther Steiner added: "We're just trying to find the driver who best suits what we are looking for.

"We would like that both have driven F1 car before.

"One we want with real experience, one who has been through a few years in F1."

McLaren reserve Kevin Magnussen and Lotus racer Romain Grosjean are understood to be on Haas's list, which has been slimmed down to below the previously indicated 10 names after Nico Hulkenberg re-signed with Force India.

Haas admitted the driver recruitment process in F1 was a learning experience, adding his outfit had made an offer to a driver that was declined.

"It is a process," said Haas. "It's about going back and forth and just learning how to dance with the different drivers and working out who is going to be with us.

"We did make an offer to one driver, which was declined.

"It's a learning experience."

Također je i ovo rekao na pitanje o tome hoće li voziti amerikanac
Shouldn’t an American team have an American driver?

GS: There is nobody out there at the moment. Yes, there are drivers in GP2 and Formula Three, but having a rookie in a new team… that is difficult for both sides. The potential of such a partnership failing is pretty high. So at the moment we’d rather not be looking at that avenue, because you are also not helping an inexperienced driver - he could be burned in one season. We are new, so we need a known quantity in the team.
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

pospani gad
Postovi: 2917
Pridružen/a: 28 tra 2007, 22:54
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Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la pospani gad »

Po meni, to će biti Gutierrez / Grosjean. Pazite, što vam kažem.

S tim da bi meni pasalo više kombinacija Vergne / Grosjean - ovo neće biti, jer sigurno "ne trebaju" / "ne žele" dva Francuza u momčadi - nema uopće smisla, ta kombinacija. Tako da, ide Gutierrez / Grosjean, 99.7%. Pazite, što vam kažem. 8)

Ali iskreno, ne želim da Grosjean završi u početničkoj momčadi, jer će mu to uprostiti F1 karijeru.
Ništa mi neće, ovaj dan pokvarit'.......... jer želim ( hoću ) med i mlijeko. I točka. :biggrin:
Tko meni ne vjeruje, to je njegov problem. :biggrin:
Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Ferrari
Lokacija: Rab/Rijeka

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

Haas bi u utorak trebao objaviti vozačku postavu za slijedeću sezonu
Adam Cooper @adamcooperF1

'@HaasF1Team has scheduled a driver announcement for Tuesday 11am local time at its Kannapolis base...
3:37 PM - 24 Sep 2015
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”

Postovi: 16017
Pridružen/a: 25 srp 2010, 18:03
Ja sam: Vozač
Navijam za: Ferrari
Lokacija: Rab/Rijeka

Re: Formula 1 team - Haas F1 team

Post Postao/la Cuky »

novi video iz Haasa...šef momčadi Steiner priča o dolasku ljudstva u momčad
“Four wheels move the body, Two wheels move the soul.”
